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Before submitting consider the following:
Does this event have an Air safety impllication?
Is this DASOR appropriate? Would an In-form/EMS report be better?
Does this report contain above Official content; i.e. remove classified locations etc.
Additional Statutory, Legislative or TLB specific reports may be required post this event e.g. RIDDOR for personnel injury.

Note: Your Name, email address and contact details will only be visible to the reports Occurence Manager(s) and Investogator(s) during the report investigation and by no other ASIMS user.

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Press OK to submit this form without prejudice with the following information:
Name: White, Barry Cdre (Basic reporter)
Date: 25/01/2022 -7:59
Sign and Submit Report
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complete, click the
A window will open informing you that you are about to submit a DASOR.
to confirm.
Sign and Submit report